1. School expects from its pupils to religiously abide by the rules and regulation as furnished time to time.
2. Pupils are expected to ever remain obedient and devocated to their Acharyajees(teacher) so as to ensure a very healthy,positive and rewarding academic atmosphere.
1. GIRLS - Mon. Tues. Thusday, Frieday Navy Color Pent & Shirt or Shirt Mehndi Color, Salwa Pink Color, Web. or Saturday White Dress and Sports Track Suit, White shocks, Black shoes & White Shoew, Pink Ribbon & Prescribed School Belt.
2. BOYS - Navy Color full Pants, White or Blue Lining Shirt full Full or Half sleeve, White shocks, Black shoes White Shoes & Prescribed school belt.
The following certificates are to be submitted along with the admission form for the eligibility.
* Original Birth Certificate Issued by Municipality/ Hospital/ Nursing Home/ Court affidavit for K.G. / Block or Punchayat.
* Transfer certificate for class II to VIII and XI.
* Attested copy of Board Admit card & Marks sheet etc. (Only for class XI admission).
* Two passport size photographs.