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(From Desk)

The School should be a place of joy, a temple of knowledge and a 'Home away from home' for children.  A strong education system is the backbone of any nation. Literacy brings awareness which leads towards objectivity and turns into settings targets and finally achieving goals which are not related to only personal achievements but also for the benefit of society. Our purpose is to provide an environment for the

holistic development of children so that they finally emerge as winners. It is our commitment to our students that we shall extend the best innovative practices in every sphere of their schooling. No stone will be left unturned to ensure our children reach the next milestone with great confidence, self-esteem and poise.
Education is the key to gain new horizons and to encourage our thoughts to strive, to expand our horizon to reach the apex. All these can be achieved when we consider values as goals of human life.
To conclude with the words of Shri A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, let all of us take a pledge to educate these young ignited minds - To think different.
To discover the impossible
To travel unknown
To combat problems

                   To nurture humanity and make the world a brighter, safer, beautiful and peaceful place to live in.